As you prepare for summer activities, consider installing an above-ground pool, which is easier to maintain and less costly than in-ground pools–to optimize your time outside during the hot months.
When it comes to installing an above-ground pool, the first thing to think about is the size. This covers the pool’s shape as well as its proportions.
The two most common shapes for above-ground pools are round and oval. Smaller, more conservative pools have a diameter of 12 to 18 feet, while larger pools can have a diameter of 33 feet round or 21×41 feet oval.
Because pool specifications are based on the pool’s water proportions, it’s critical to include extra space.
The average depth of an above-ground pool is 48 to 54 inches or 4 to 4.5 feet. However, the precise depth varies by manufacturer and type.
Above-ground pool types
After you’ve decided on the size and shape of your pool, you’ll need to decide on the type. Types include:
Known types of above-ground pools are:
- Steel Wall Above Ground Pool
- Resin Wall Above Ground Pool
- Hybrid Above Ground Pool
- Inflatable Above Ground Pool
- Prefabricated Above Ground Pool
- Soft Sided Above Ground Pool
Pools with a Soft Side
A soft side pool can be your top choice if you search for something easy, uncomplicated, and cost-effective. Soft-sided above-ground pools usually cost between $100 and $1,000 and arrive in a single package with the pool, pump, and filter. Furthermore, they are usually smaller, lowering your operating costs.
Slat-Wall and Rolled-Wall Pools
Rolling-wall and slat-wall pools are the most popular of all pools, with corrugated rolled steel, aluminum, or resin walls, vertical columns, and horizontal top seats. A fitting liner makes the pool waterproof on the inside.
Slatwall pools are pools that are constructed with slat wall panels, rather than traditional concrete or plaster. The slat wall panels are made of a PVC material, which is resistant to chlorine and other pool chemicals and is easy to clean and maintain. The walls of the pool can be customized to fit the size and shape of the swimming area, and the panels are available in a variety of colors and textures. Slatwall pools are a great option for those looking for a unique and stylish pool design.
Traditional above-ground pool
We’ve progressed to the ‘Traditional’ above-ground pool. These are the more permanent above-ground pools that you’ll see in people’s backyards. They’ll feature a metal or resin frame (or a blend of metal and resin known as a ‘hybrid’ pool) that includes the top ledge, upright columns (that reinforce the pool wall), and a bottom track for the pool wall to set in.
Inflatable above-ground pool
Inflatable pools (also known as “easy set”) are trendy and can be found in almost every sporting goods and hardware store. The process is simple: inflate the pool’s top ring, and as you pour water into the pool, the structure rises and expands to its full size due to the inflated ring.
The round shape above ground pools
When searching for an above-ground pool, one of the essential considerations is which form and size are right for you.
Round pools are popular among households due to their low cost. A round pool designed to hold the same amount of water in the same area as an oval pool can cost a quarter to half the amount of an oval pool.
Due to the same pressure exerted on the pool wall, round pools have superior structural stability; Larger circular pools can provide the best lap swimming experience while also providing plenty of area for additional swimmers.
The expense of replacing the liner in a round pool is less.
Round pools are available in a broader range of sizes, spanning from 15 feet to 33 feet. These sizes increase and decrease in 3′ increments; Because there are fewer “dead areas” where the movement and circulation of the water occurs, round pools are easier to keep clean.
Circular area pools can provide the fastest lap swimming experience while also providing plenty of area for extra swimmers. ( the largest round pool is 33′ each way, allowing for more laps in either direction.)
It is imperative to note that regarding the best price per gallon. Pools that are round are less expensive.
The square shape above ground pools
Square pools are an excellent alternative for a backyard that is on the smaller side. A square pool will enhance a modest backyard or complement a rich garden, even if you don’t have the space for a big pool. These pools are more appealing and take up less area than a rectangle pool.
For a property that is on the smaller side, square pools are a great option. Even if you don’t have the space for a large pool, a square pool will enrich a small backyard or complement a lush garden. These pools are more attractive and take up less space. Moreover, a swimming pool improves your home and makes it worth going up.
Consider a pool with a square design if you intend to add a little pool to your family’s backyard. It’ll be the ideal spot for your kids to cool off, as well as for you and your partner to have a romantic dip. The pool will provide relaxation and enjoyment while requiring less upkeep.
Don’t limit yourself to a simple square for your pool style. Your square pool can be a one-of-a-kind masterpiece with waterfalls, landscaping, and lighting. Make sure it’s the pool of your dreams, whether you choose a lush garden full of plants or a bubbling hot tub to go with it.
Above-ground pools with deck
Many above-ground pool owners are unsure whether or not to construct a deck around their pool. You may appreciate your above-ground pool from the boundary, so it isn’t necessary. Above-ground pool decks, on the other hand, provide ideal space for lounging and relaxing while keeping a close eye on swimmers. A deck also completes your garden’s aesthetic and offers guests safe paths.

For an above-ground pool, what style of deck should I build?
When designing a deck for an above-ground pool, one must first decide on a deck design. The type of pool you have (above ground vs. semi-inground), the decking material you want (composite, wood, aluminum? ), the extras you desire (hot tub, lounge chairs, etc.), and your budget will all influence the design of the deck you choose.
The four primary types of above-ground pool decks include:
- Full-surround Decks – Full-surround decks, as the name implies, completely encircle and conceal your above-ground pool’s perimeter. Full-surround decks are spacious enough to accommodate your favorite amenities, such as outdoor furniture, grills, hot tubs, and more. This decking extends to the top of your above-ground pool, giving it a finished look. For easy access, safety, and a streamlined appearance, full-surround decks are frequently connected to the residence. Wood is one of the most common decking materials, but composite or PVC are also excellent choices for a full-circumference deck.
- Side Decks – Side decks are thinner than full-surround decks and are designed to fit one side instead of the entire perimeter. When space or affordability are constraints, or you’d prefer a little seating area to keep an eye on the youngsters, side decks are a great choice. PVC, aluminum, and composite are also outstanding weather-resistant options. Wood is a common choice for a high-end look.
- Combination decks – Are you searching for something more exciting than a full-surround or side-deck experience? Combine styles to create a unique look. Only your imagination is the limit when it comes to combination decks. Multi-level terraced decks or connecting large sections with a bridge are some options!
- Decks for Semi-Inground Pools – Inground, above-ground, and semi-inground pools are all available from Optimum Pools. Semi-inground pools are ideal for sloped yards and can provide a dynamic impression in your yard. Assume you have a semi-inground pool and wish to construct a deck around it.
Permanent above-ground pools
Semi-Inground pool – Semi-inground pools, also known as radiant pools, are a hybrid of in-ground and above-ground swimming pools. They’re less expensive than in-ground pools, and they provide more customization choices than an above-ground pool. These pools are easier to install on slopes and uneven ground, and they can be used in yards where an in-ground pool isn’t impossible.

Radiant pools, on the other hand, are more permanent than above-ground pools since they can be removed at the end of the season. Many of them resemble in-ground models.
Frame made of steel – Above-ground pools with steel frames are sturdy and long-lasting. Vertical supports and side rails are included in the structure, while the pool’s sidewalls and bottom are composed of durable plastic, vinyl, PVC, or, in some circumstances, resin. Steel’s enhanced strength allows for a larger, deeper pool. To ensure a healthy swimming environment, pools of this size require a filter or chemicals. In addition, these types necessitate more ground clearance than inflatable variants.
Maintenance of the Swimming Pool
Throughout the swimming season, proper pool maintenance will maintain clean and safe water. Some critical things to include in your weekly pool maintenance regimen are listed below:
Leaves and debris should be skimmed off the surface. Skimming is the first stage in your weekly maintenance routine and should be done daily.
Collect leaves, insects, and other detritus floating on the pool’s surface with a long-handled leaf skimmer.
Remove Sediment from Pool Walls using a Brush
Algae and small particles of debris can accumulate on your pool’s walls, as well as on pool equipment such as ladders and slides. Brush the pool walls and fixtures at least once weekly to remove and prevent algae growth effectively.
Pool Vacuuming
The algae and sediment, as well as any other material that has floated to the pool’s bottom, can be sucked up once they have been brushed off the walls.
Clean skimmer
Clean out your skimmer(s) at least once a week or more frequently if needed. Debris removal lets the skimmer work at its best, capturing the bulk of debris that enters your pool. Keep an eye on the water level in your pool. Debris will not be removed successfully if the water level is more than midway up the skimmer.
When you skim the surface of the pool, check the skimmer to make sure it’s clean.
Keep the pump going
The skimmer, pump, pump strainer, drains, and filter is all part of your pool’s circulation system. The system guarantees that chemicals work correctly and that water is appropriately cleansed. Each day, run your pump long enough to ensure that the water is adequately filtered and that each component of the circulation system is clean and in good working order.
Keep an eye on Chemicals
Chemicals should be added to the pool water once it has been tested.
Test the water in your pool regularly (daily or weekly, depending on usage) and add chemicals as needed, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Chemicals are commonly introduced to the pool daily. These pool chemicals include a variety of disinfectants and sanitizers that work to prevent algae and bacteria from growing in the pool water.
Algae, bacteria, dirt, and other organic debris that may have entered the pool are all removed with regular shock treatments. For shock treatments, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
It appears that most people imagine an oval above-ground swimming pool when they first consider obtaining one. Because traditional in-ground pools are oval, this is a natural assumption. However, after some investigation, most people choose a round one, owing to the cost difference. The round above pool is less expensive than the oval above pool type, which applies to the pool itself and the Installation. There are some more distinctions.
Often, we see families opting for round pools over oval pools. The advantages of a round pool over an oval pool are simply too significant. Only when the customer’s yard is more extended than broad or when only an oval-shaped pool could fit due to property line setbacks, garages, septic systems, or home layout. Round pools offer more swimming areas for less money, ensuring that you get the most fantastic pricing per gallon. When you think about it, an 18′ round above-ground pool has the same swimming space as a 12′ X 24′ oval above-ground pool, but it costs up to $1,000 less for the identical model. That’s a significant price difference for what is virtually the only change in shape. As a result, larger round pools are significantly cheaper than smaller to mid-size oval above-ground pools for the ordinary budget.
If you want to build your pool, a round above-ground pool is significantly easier. This is owing to the lack of a buttress support system and under-pool support straps needed for most circular pools. The advantage of round above-ground installations has a more significant error margin and thus are more tolerant than their oval equivalents. This also means that round above-ground pools take much less time to install than oval pools.