pool pump size calculator

What size pump should I use for my pool? For example, if I choose above ground Intex pool size 18ft x 9ft x 52in, what flow rate should the pool pump have?

The size of the pump you need for your pool depends on a few factors, including the volume of water in your pool and the flow rate you desire.

For an above-ground Intex pool that measures 18ft x 9ft x 52in, you will need a pump that is capable of circulating all the water in the pool at least once every eight hours. Here’s how to calculate the volume of water in your pool:

Volume = Length x Width x Average Depth
Average Depth = (Shallow End Depth + Deep End Depth) / 2

In this case, the volume of your pool would be:

Volume = 18ft x 9ft x ((52in + 52in) / 2) = 5,310 gallons

To calculate the flow rate you need, divide the volume of your pool by eight:

Flow Rate = Volume / 8 hours = 5,310 gallons / 8 hours = 664 gallons per hour

So, you’ll need a pump that can circulate at least 664 gallons of water per hour. Intex makes pumps specifically designed for their above ground pools, so you might want to consider one of those. Alternatively, you could look for a pump with a similar flow rate from another manufacturer.

Flow rate for 24ft x 12ft x 52in pool

For a pool that measures 24ft x 12ft x 52in, the first step is to calculate the volume of water in the pool using the formula:

Volume = Length x Width x Average Depth

where the average depth is calculated as

(Shallow End Depth + Deep End Depth) / 2.

In this case, the volume of your pool would be:

Volume = 24ft x 12ft x ((52in + 52in) / 2) = 11,232 gallons

Next, you need to determine the desired flow rate for your pool. As a general rule, you want to circulate all the water in your pool at least once every eight hours to ensure proper filtration and chemical distribution.

To calculate the flow rate, divide the volume of your pool by eight:

Flow Rate = Volume / 8 hours = 11,232 gallons / 8 hours = 1,404 gallons per hour

So, for a pool that measures 24ft x 12ft x 52in, you’ll need a pump with a flow rate of at least 1,404 gallons per hour to properly circulate the water. It’s always a good idea to choose a pump with a slightly higher flow rate than the minimum requirement to ensure proper filtration and circulation.

In general, how to determine pool pump parameters based on pool measures?

To determine the pool pump parameters based on pool size, you need to consider several factors, including the pool’s volume, the desired flow rate, and the head pressure.

  • Calculate the pool’s volume: Use the formula: Volume = Length x Width x Average Depth, where the average depth is calculated as (Shallow End Depth + Deep End Depth) / 2. This will give you the total volume of water in the pool.
  • Determine the desired flow rate: As a general rule, you should circulate all the water in your pool at least once every eight hours to ensure proper filtration and chemical distribution. To calculate the required flow rate, divide the pool’s volume by eight.
  • Consider the head pressure: The head pressure refers to the resistance the pump must overcome to push water through the pool’s plumbing system. This resistance can be caused by factors such as the distance between the pool and the pump, the elevation change between the pool and the pump, and the number and type of fittings and valves in the plumbing system. To determine the head pressure, you can use a pool pump head pressure calculator or consult with a pool professional.
  • Choose the right pump: Once you have determined the pool’s volume, desired flow rate, and head pressure, you can select a pool pump that meets those requirements. You should also consider the pump’s horsepower, which is a measure of its power and efficiency, and its type, such as single-speed, dual-speed, or variable speed. A pool professional can help you select the right pump for your pool based on these factors and other considerations, such as your budget and energy efficiency goals.


In summary, to determine the pool pump parameters based on a pool’s size, you need to calculate the pool’s volume, determine the desired flow rate based on circulation needs, consider the head pressure to determine the resistance the pump must overcome, and choose the right pump that meets these requirements.

It’s important to choose a pump with a flow rate slightly higher than the minimum required to ensure proper filtration and circulation. Consulting with a pool professional can help you select the right pump for your pool based on various factors, including efficiency, horsepower, and budget.

Besides the pump, what else is needed to make pool water crystal clear?

In addition to a pump, there are several other components and products that are needed to make pool water crystal clear. These include:

  • Filtration system: A filtration system helps to remove debris and contaminants from the pool water. There are three main types of pool filters: sand, cartridge, and DE (diatomaceous earth).
  • Chemicals: Proper pool chemistry is crucial for maintaining clear water. Chemicals such as chlorine, bromine, and pH adjusters are used to kill bacteria and algae, balance the pH level, and control other factors that affect water quality.
  • Skimmer: A skimmer is a tool used to remove floating debris from the surface of the pool. It is typically attached to the side of the pool and works by drawing water through a basket that collects debris.
  • Brush and vacuum: Regularly brushing and vacuuming the pool walls and floor helps to remove dirt, algae, and other particles that can cloud the water.
  • Water testing kit: To maintain proper chemical balance, it’s important to regularly test the pool water using a water testing kit. This will help you determine the levels of chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and other factors that affect water quality.
  • Shock treatment: If the pool water becomes cloudy or discolored, shock treatment may be needed to restore clarity. Shock treatment involves adding a large dose of chlorine or other oxidizing agents to the pool water to eliminate bacteria, algae, and other contaminants.

By using a combination of these tools and products, you can ensure that your pool water remains crystal clear and safe for swimming.